Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buy the Big O! SHow

Tomorrow is a big day for the Omaha Simply Music Piano Teachers.

We have a booth at Buy the Big O! Show at the Qwest Center in Omaha with 400 other businesses.

It took a bit of convincing to spend the money on the booth (over $400.00), spend the money on the free giveaways (cute little piano post-it notes at $700.00) and schedule the personnel to cover the day.

The bottom line is if you want to be recognized, legitimized and acknowledged, you need to run with the Big Boys.

OK, so why would we say no to such a great networking opportunity?

1. $$$$

2. FEAR (Which is behind #1)

3. Lack of time (Which is really #2)

4. No experience (Which is really #2)

You get the picture?

FEAR is the #1 block to growth.

Tomorrow is going to be a growth-producing day for all involved.

The Omaha Simply Music Piano Teachers will not be the same because of putting aside their fears and saying "yes" to this fantastic opportunity.

What helps me is always thinking of the worst thing that could happen, deal with it and "Just Do It!"

I will keep you posted on the outcome of the Big O! Show...

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