Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Third Monthly E-ship CLub

ON Monday night, the 17th we met at the South Omaha Library for our third monthly E-ship Club.  

It was my favorite one yet! 

Every month just keeps getting better and better. 

Our speaker was Frank Kumor, a long-time Christian businessman in Olde Towne Bellevue.  He spoke on what it takes to be in business in the same location for 33 years.

  He emphasized hard work, diligence, diversifying your skills, above and beyond customer service, loyalty and living within your means. 

The mentor groups after the speaker  discussed real-life business ideas and  each student gave a practical business which they could start right now. 

WE will serve on Sunday, December 14th in downtown Omaha

Our next monthly meeting will be on December 15th with Valda Ford as our speaker for our social entrepreneurship  portion of the program

The students will focus on philanthropy projects for the month.  

IT is important  for entrepreneurs to give back to the community. 

Fantastic Field Trip to Three Storefronts

Friday the 14th we went to three different types of businesses in Rockbrook

1)  Pets R Us, which has been in business for 18 years owned by Dave and Barb as a Corporation, was our first stop.  They had five dogs lying behind the counter.  Do they like animals or what?  Dave gave practical advice on being a long-time business owner. 

2)  Across the street at the Great Harvest Bread Co., which is a franchise,  was the co-owner, Mariann giving us a great overview of the hallmark of their business, great product and great customer service.  They advertise by "bread of mouth!" 

3)  Our third stop was at Laurie's Piano Studio which is a newly opened service business which offers Simply Music, an Australian-developed piano method.  She gave us a first-hand account on how to move a home-based business to a storefront. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

$100.00 for Rachel

The children wanted me to bring a souvenir home for them from TX.

Amanya will get an Emily doll.

Hannah will get TX Bluebonnet seeds.

Christian will get a mouse pad, jelly and chocolates, to share with his dad.

Rachel will get 100 bucks!

Not from me, but from the Entrepreneurship Education Forum's Import-Export Challenge.

You see, she imports jewelry from Peru.

Please see her website below!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Yellow Rose of TExas

I'm off to TX to present at the Entrepreneurship Educators' Forum in Austin.  

The four children recorded their biz testimonies. 

Christian was to the point, but the girls were very chatty.   Very cute.   :) 

Rachel updated our family's website today and did a fantastic job.

ONE presentation is on penetrating the home school market. 

The second one is on teaching teens entrepreneurship in a community college setting.  

The third one is on raising entrepreneurially-minded children.  

That's my favorite one!  :) 

I'll report on Tuesday.  

Janita, aka Kidz Biz Whiz 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A TIme to Give Thanks

As we reflect on giving thanks this time of year, I want to give thanks for life, the Creator of Life, family, friends, students, and life-changing situations. 

Recently I had the chance to be with my sister in the hospital as she had round six of six chemo treatments.  We had a fabulous slumber party in the hospital in spite of ongoing buzzers, numerous IVs and nurses’ visits, countless blood draws, Mayo doctor checks with their entourage, hospital food, quick-paced laps around the unit, many trips to the bathroom with the IV stand, and a multitude of hours waiting for the IV bags to empty. As I reflect on the deep bond my sister and I have, I can’t help but thank God for the people in my life.  

We never know what each day holds and what is required of us, but we do know that we have choices to make.  We can choose to embrace life and the people in our lives---hug tighter, laugh longer, sing louder, pray more, listen better, be expressive, slow down and spend time with each other...

IN this season of giving thanks, have an attitude of gratitude.  Be thankful for each day and ask what God has planned for you.  Enjoy your families, your friends, your jobs, your life,  as it truly is a gift.  

My sister Janel  didn't choose to have cancer, but she chooses to have a positive attitude and daily appreciates each person God has placed in her life.  

Monday, October 27, 2008

All in a Day's Work...

Yesterday Rachel and I went to the BX on Base to peddle our wares. 

She was selling her Peruvian jewelry. 

We also set up Christian's organic, handmade soap and Hannah's beeswax candles. 

The kiosks were gorgeous; even had spotlights.  

And we could have asked for a cash register. 

This was better than "playing store" when my sister and I were little. 

We were really doing it in a real-live place of business. 

Yet it felt like we were playing. 

It really is a game. 

How professional can one act?  

How long does one have to "fake it til you make it?"  

Not long.  

Experience truly is the best teacher. 

The more you do it, meet the public and sell your wares, the easier it becomes. 

The day wasn't a hugely profitable day, but it was hugely profitable in a non-financial way. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

E-ship Club on Monday Night

Another great night at the E-ship CLub. 

Dan Stuenzi, a home school dad, entrepreneur for many years,  gave a great presentation on what it is like to be an entrepreneurs. 

SOme highlights from his talk: 

Things learned from past business ventures: 

~needs a profit 
~not fear rejection
~how to properly target customers
~the importance of capital
~importance of networking and reputation 
~how to "fail forward" 
~providing VALUE comes before reward 

WHat struck a chord with me was: 

"It's hard for entrepreneurs to work for someone else!" 

That is so true for me. 

One summer I taught summer classes and I was shocked the administrator was keeping their eye on me.  


Of course I am going to be doing what is right, I am a professional, aren't I? 

I will make good decisions, work hard, etc. 

Good stuff to recognize... 

Next month we have Frank Kumor as our guest speaker.  

HE is a long-time business owner from Olde Towne Bellevue and will speak on customer service and longevity of business. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It Takes Time and Hard WOrk

Last night my 13 yo daughter and I stayed up way past midnight to finish her video project.

You see, Rachel has her own business and has had one since age 6.

Currently, her business is "Every Girlz Dream Jewelry Company."

What a cute and appropriate name.

She is definitely selling her passion.

For her 13th birthday she got her ears pierced (at a tattoo parlour(!) but, that's another story!) and since then she has been crazy about pierced earrings.

Her video project was the Import/Export Idea Challenge sponsored by the Entrepreneruship Forum.

She made her own Power Point Slides (easy to do I found out!) and showcased her website.

The content was relatively easy to put together; it was the technical side where we struggled.

IT turned out our video was not in the right format and we tried to convert it, to no avail.

We are not sure if her entry will count in the contest.

It may be a learning experience and an exercise in acquiring new skills.

I know our video is not professional and not the best job, but we got it done and learned from the project.
Plus, how many 13 yos import jewlery from Peru?
It is not about perfection, it is about doing it and getting it done!

Here is the URL on YouTube:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buy the Big O! SHow

Tomorrow is a big day for the Omaha Simply Music Piano Teachers.

We have a booth at Buy the Big O! Show at the Qwest Center in Omaha with 400 other businesses.

It took a bit of convincing to spend the money on the booth (over $400.00), spend the money on the free giveaways (cute little piano post-it notes at $700.00) and schedule the personnel to cover the day.

The bottom line is if you want to be recognized, legitimized and acknowledged, you need to run with the Big Boys.

OK, so why would we say no to such a great networking opportunity?

1. $$$$

2. FEAR (Which is behind #1)

3. Lack of time (Which is really #2)

4. No experience (Which is really #2)

You get the picture?

FEAR is the #1 block to growth.

Tomorrow is going to be a growth-producing day for all involved.

The Omaha Simply Music Piano Teachers will not be the same because of putting aside their fears and saying "yes" to this fantastic opportunity.

What helps me is always thinking of the worst thing that could happen, deal with it and "Just Do It!"

I will keep you posted on the outcome of the Big O! Show...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Parents as Role Models

I believe parents are the role models in many areas, and especially in the areas of work and views about work.

I am currently preparing my presentations for the Entrepreneurship Educators' Conference in Austin, TX next month.

One of my presentations is on "Mom's E Boot Camp: Raising Entrepreneurially-minded Children."

THE number one factor I believe is: having parents who are supportive and take the time to help their children with their entrepreneurial endeavors.

IF the parental support and confidence is not there, it won't happen.

That's why we require the parents to attend our monthly E-ship Meeting.

Let your child dream, let your child experiment, but nothing is going to happen unless you are there helping and supporting.

Yes, it is another thing to add to your list, but it is SO WORTH IT!



Think publicity vs. advertising.

IT will save you a ton of money, but also it will make you an expert in other peoples' eyes and you will gain a reputation faster than trying to do it on your own.

Our new (we've met one time) E-ship Club was featured in the Omaha World Herald on Saturday, the 11th. 

It was a complimentary article which led to another interview by an OWH reporter.  

Write press releases.  

Contact the local media. 

They're always looking for stories.  

Just try it, you might land one! 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Service Opportunities


It is important our children learn to serve others without expecting something in return. 

Yesterday four families helped at the Chamber office stuffing 6,000 goodie bags for a big trade show next week.  

All they received was a free lunch...of pizza!  and the adults received free electricity at our Big O! booth next week. 

We worked from 9:00 to 2:00 with a 30 minute lunch break.  

The children were hard workers and diligent with their tasks. 

The hands of the diligent will rule and all work is profit. 

It is good for them to serve others. 

Plus, it gave them a great view of office work and working downtown Omaha. 


Monday, October 6, 2008

Let Them Experience IT!


Let your children experience their own business, selling to customers, being successful, being 

rejected, being in the red and being in the black. 

Let them work for their spending money. 

Let them go with their ideas. 

Let them spread their wings  a bit. 

Let them be encouraged and let them be discouraged by sales and by customers. 

Let them hear the truth from a customer. 

Let them experience consequences.  

Let them experience having a boss or supervisor. 

Let them learn how to organize their displays, supplies, inventory and order forms. 

Let them grow and develop as they were created to be.   

And most importantly of all...

May they grow in favor with GOD and man. 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Perfect love Casts out Fear

Fear paralyzes. 

No matter what situation you encounter in life, if you have fear, you will be paralyzed. 

If you are making a  business decision, wanting to grow, or start another company, if you have fear, you won't do it. 

Perfect love casts out fear. 

The only perfect love I know is from above. 

Use it. 

"I came to give you life and to give it more abundantly." 

Trust God to give you an abundant life. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Leverage your TIME


Be sure to leverage your time. 

Meaning:  if you are going to have a paper route, why not walk a dog at the same time? 

Or if you are teaching one student a new skill, why not four or five at a time? 

OR if you are doing canvassing for one person, why not do it for two people? 

Today the children and I did just that...we hung door hangers for two different people. 

One person is running for City Council, and another wants to advertise her fitness classes. 

Why not kill two birds with one stone and halve the amount of work? 

Leverage, my friend! 

Your time is important. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Candy Store of an 8 year old

If a child can add and subtract and talk to people, they are old enough for  a business. 

Our 8 year old daughter set up a candy store this week in my piano studio. 

She has sold $8.00 worth of product. 

She is organized, responsible, tracks her inventory, dresses well, and treats customers well. 

What a great learning experience. 

They could never get this experience playing  a entrepreneurship computer game or watching a tv show on how to start your own business. 

Let them go for it parents,  and take the time to help them get started.  

Once they have a taste of it, you'll be amazed at how motivated they are! 

And watch their business ideas grow! 

He who is faithful in little, is faithful in much! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Play is Important!

Today we went to the park midday and played. 

We played tag on the playground equipment. 

We played soccer on the court. 

We played football in the grass. 

We threw stones into the river. 

We took the dog with us and let him go swimming. 

Take the time to play with your children. 

The family who plays together, stays together. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Follow Their Passions


Encourage your children's passions. 

If they are into football, let them play football, 

if they are into soccer, encourage soccer, 

if their passion is cooking, take them to cooking classes, 

if their passion is making money, let them set up as many businesses as they want. 

Hannah, our 10 year old, loves horses and has for years. 

We had her "prove" herself by having bunnies for pets for three years.  

"He who is faithful in little , is faithful in much."

This year we are taking her passion one step further with riding lessons. 

We didn't go into this  activity impulsively, we considered the cost. 

I pay for one session, she pays for one session, I pay for one session, she pays for one session. 

She has to earn the money through her paper route, which is not her passion, but it is a means to the end---riding lessons. 

Parents, where there is a will, there is  a way.  

Figure out what your children's  passions are, encourage them and pursue them. 

Yes, it takes time.  

But, that is the best gift you can give your children...your time.  

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heigh Ho, Heigh HO, it's off to work I go!


It's not your typical four-letter word!  

Children may think so at times, but that's ok. 

As long you they're working, that's the important part! 

All work leads to profit. 

Remember that parents. 

Make your children work. 

He who doesn't work, neither let him eat. 

Remember that. 

Don't give them everything they want. 

Let them work for it. 

Let them yearn. 

Don't  give them an allowance.

Let them earn their spending money. 

WHen there is an incentive to work, it happens. 

First work, then play. 

Let them do their work, then reward them. 

And of course, be the best role model of all. 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

BEing Resourceful


It is extremely important to teach your children how to be resourceful by teaching them hands-on skills. 

Today the girls picked apples from our neighbor's trees by climbing in the trees and bringing them home in the wagons.  

Then the  children and I washed, cut and cooked apple sauce with cinnamon and raw local honey, which we dehydrated to make fruit leather, used the apple peeler, corer, slicer to make five pans of apple crisp to give to neighbors, and dehydrated the rest of the apple rings.  
And, of course, cleaned up the kitchen after our productive afternoon. 

Do you see some businesses within this activity?  

Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting your name out there

Today we had an educational function with other families. 

I only knew 1/3 of the registered participants, but I can't tell you how many times people said,

 "Oh, I see your name  all the time." 
"Oh, you're the piano teacher." 
"You're all over the place."  

 "I clicked on the link below your signature." 

"You have great ideas."   etc. 


Get your name out there.  

Put a signature under your name with your website.  

Add useful content to lists. 

Think of giving to others without expecting anything in return. 

Put yourself in their shoes. 

Treat others as you would want to be treated. 

It works folks.  

Get your name out there and be a celebrity in your own sphere of influence. 

 KIdz Biz Whiz 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bargain Hunting

Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from  it. 

Today Rachel and I had to run to Walgreen's for an article. 

WHile I was busy scouring the aisle for my needed item, she was scouring the bargain bin and came back with rechargeable batteries . 

I asked, "WHere did you find that?" 

SHe took me to the bargain bin where I proceeded to find discount ink cartridges for my printer. 

What a find. 

what an eye. 

What a nose for bargains.  

That's my Rachel.. 

Always looking and planning ahead. 

ONly one of the many characteristics owning your own business will give  you. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My daughter's persistence

We have four children who have multiple businesses.  

Our oldest daughter is relentless in her ideas and pursuit of her business goals. 

She follows me around the house telling me all her ideas. 

Some days (most?) I can't keep up with her ideas and implementation. 

You know what we heard over and over this past weekend at Ryan Lee's Boot Camp? 

Be a person of action. 

Just do it. 

Don't  wait for perfection. 

Even as a toddler she was one step ahead of me.

Her middle name is "Ask first" 

But, that quality will serve her well as an adult. 

She will outperform her contemporaries. 

Just like Ryan Lee said this weekend, " Go ahead and try to out produce me."  

Action is good! 

Just do it. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Apples don't fall far from the tree!

(Ignore the date on the picture, I can't change it without my children's help!)  

This past weekend when I attended the Ryan Lee Boot Camp, I met his father, Bruce Lee.  

I am extremely family-oriented and it was a highlight for me.  

Mr. Lee was warm, caring, funny, humble, family-oriented and spoke well of his wife and children.   

I like those characteristics. 

Being from the midwest,   knowing someone's family and their roots is so important.  

An apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Obviously, Ryan's dad had a huge influence on his life and Ryan was wise enough to listen to his wisdom and apply it to his life.  

If you are a parent, think about your influence on your children's lives and the example you are living. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

What a time at the Conference.


What a week I had last week.  We went to NYC/CT to attend an entrepreneurial Boot Camp Wed-Sunday.  

Wow!  I was blown away by the amount of doable information.  

The main speaker, Ryan Lee kept saying he is no different than any one of us.  

I appreciated his humility.  

There were many trainers there who had successful online training businesses and were wiling to teach us how to do it.   

I set goals on the flight home, wrote them down, will work on my businesses daily and be accountable to other trainers. 

The mindset is the first important part of being successful and then being diligent and working  daily is key. 

May the hands of the diligent prosper! 

The attached picture is Ryan Lee, a man who has been successful online as a personal trainer and is turning around and teaching others how to do the same.  I like that. 

(Ignore the date, it is wrong.  I'm not good at reading instruction manuals and did not know how to set the correct date.) 

Talk to you soon, 

Kidz Biz Whiz. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Note from Warren today

All in a day's work... 

I received an email from Warren Buffett today...another rejection, but it's ok, at least I received a return message!  

I'll save it for my grandchildren. 

Last night the Kick-off Session of our E-ship CLub went well.  

Vic Larsen from Vic's Corn Popper was a fantastic speaker--authentic, down-to-earth and full of horse sense.  

He must have been raised on the farm! 

The families were receptive and ready for the field trips in October. 

Today the OWH contacted us for a story on the E-ship Club. 

(I guess they liked the press release last week!) 

Yesterday, the Learning for Life arm of the BSA met with me to discuss using the E-ship Club as an Explorer Post. 

Interesting proposition.  

Not bad for something which wasn't officially launched yet.   

I am attending a "big dog" conference in CT and will give you the full report when I return on Sunday.  

Keep dreaming...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today we rested!

Today we rested.  Everyone needs one day of rest during the week, and today we had ours.  

If God did all His work in six days and rested on the seventh, that is good enough for me. 

Tomorrow is a work day and we will hit it hard as we deliver Sunday papers at 5:15 a.m. and we are scheduled to sell our goods at the BX. 

Successful day!

This blog is written for the purpose of sharing our stories to encourage other moms and dads to help their children set up their own businesses. 

I love to tell stories, so here's several about our day: 

My son, Christian  and I had an appt. this morning at our local Whole Foods store re: having them sell his organic, handmade soap, Starfish Soap.
The first question the Asst. Health and Beauty Manager asked him was, "How old are you?"  Her reply, "My you are ambitious!"  
I t was love at first site!  :) 

The professional, child-led meeting was short and sweet (5  minutes or so) and we left her with a sample bar of soap, application filled out entirely, product flyer, Starfish Ministry brochure and a matching business card.  

I have to say, even I was impressed...

On the way home we stopped to tour a Simply Music Colleague's new storefront studio in Rockbrook Village (and she bought two bars of soap!) and at the 4-H Extension Office to pick up the EntrepreneurShip Investigation manuals for Monday night's Kick-off Club. 

Of course we had to make it home in time for their daily paper route and taking my youngest daughter out shopping for her products for Sunday's gig at the BX. 

We organized and inventoried her products, figured out cost per unit, selling prices and projected profits for Sunday.  I told her she couldn't sell  her products unless she could figure out the math problems.  Very motivating!  

Before bed Christian wrote a thank you note to the Whole Foods Managers and offered his services for in-store demos.  

At  bedtime, my youngest daughter came flying downstairs and had to tell me about an idea floating around in her head for selling her products on Sunday.  

I said, "Go to bed now!"  She said, "But Mom, I can't stop these ideas in my head!" 

And she's only 8. 

All in a day's work in the life of the Kidz Biz Whiz...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Join us for the Kick-off!

Welcome to the E-ship Blog! 

We are holding our E-ship Club Kick-off Night on Monday night, September 15th with Vic from Vic's Popcorn speaking to our youth.   

I have a passion for helping students set up their own businesses and my favorite students are my four children!   :)  

The picture is from our latest gig at the NE State Fair in August.  

I am an Entrepreneurship Educator and  have taught in a variety of settings.  

IT's exhilarating to get a student to the point where they have their own business and make that first sale to the public.  They're ecstatic, instantly addicted!  :) 

Stay tuned for many ideas...

Kidz Biz Whiz